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Small Business Consulting

Small Business Consulting

If you’re a small business owner, you know just how complex and overwhelming running your own business can be.

Whether you’re a therapist who’s more comfortable with a patient than a balance sheet, or a massage therapist who would rather work the knots out of someone’s shoulders than untangle how to file for an LLC – I get it. 

As the owner of two small businesses, I have a tremendous amount of faith in you, and your ability to find success for your business.

I can give you the tools and the insight that you need to reach your potential faster, to conquer those goals that right now seem far off, and power past them, onto the big-dream goals that you feel silly saying out loud right now. 

Building a truly successful business person  isn’t just about passion

And it isn’t just about the nuts and bolts, the technical know-how that you need to stay afloat.

It’s about bringing passion and practicality together in a way that is authentic to who you are, and what you want your business to be all about.

It’s about mastering the practical side of building your business to run like a well-oiled machine, while staying constantly in-tune with the reason that you started your business in the first place. 

After years of running two successful businesses of my own, I can show  you the ins and outs of building your business to prosper and last. 

With my background in psychology and years of small business experience, I can help you avoid the psychological roadblocks preventing your progress and dig deep into the most effective and ways to present your service or product and motivate your potential customers to engage and buy.

business consultation for small business owners

Whether you’re a therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, or any small business owner who helps people, the technical aspects of business building can be overwhelming . . . but they don’t have to be.